DCGOP Resolution: Regarding Attempts to Unionize Douglas County Local Governments

WHEREAS, The Republican Party believes in fiscal responsibility which underpins the principles of responsible and efficient government, ensuring that taxpayer dollars are used judicially to serve the public interest without unnecessary expenditure or waste;

WHEREAS, public sector unions, by their nature, serve to prioritize the interests of their members over the broader public interest, leading to a misalignment of incentives that can distort public policy and fiscal priorities;

WHEREAS, the negotiation tactics of public sector unions often result in unsustainable salary increases, pension obligations, and benefits that surpass what is available in the private sector, imposing a heavy burden on taxpayers and threatening the long-term financial stability of government entities;

WHEREAS, the practice of collective bargaining in the public sector frequently leads to self-dealing, as elected officials who benefit from union support are incentivized to grant favorable terms in negotiations, thereby perpetuating a cycle of increased costs and inefficiencies;

WHEREAS, the lack of competition in the public sector eliminates the natural market forces that typically help control costs and ensure quality, allowing inefficiencies and inflated compensation packages to persist unchallenged;

WHEREAS, the significant political influence wielded by public sector unions through campaign contributions and lobbying efforts has the potential to corrupt the democratic process, making it difficult to enact necessary reforms or address fiscal imbalances; and

WHEREAS, Douglas County’s local governments already offer some of the most competitive pay, benefits, and/or standards of living in the State of Colorado.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that The Douglas County Republican Party condemns the undue influence and negative fiscal impact of public sector unions, we advocate for policies that ensure the responsible use of taxpayer dollars, and we urge the prioritization of the public interest over special interests. We encourage all local government employees to reject any attempts to unionize.

This resolution passed via a unanimous vote of the Douglas County GOP Executive Committee on April 16, 2024.


DCGOP LEADERSHIP: An Appeal to DCSO Deputies Against Unionization