All candidates listed will appear on their respective primary ballots. For candidates appearing at Assembly only, they must receive 30% or more of the vote of delegates present to gain primary ballot access. For candidates appearing at Assembly and also submitting petitions, they must receive 10% or more of the vote of delegates present to gain primary ballot access. Although petition only is also a legal method of ballot access, DCGOP bylaws mandate support of Assembly candidates; petition only candidates generally do not appear on our website until the June 25 primary election is over and the November Republican candidate is set. At that time, regardless of the method of ballot access, the DCGOP fully supports the Republican designee.

County and Legislative Assembly Candidates

County Commissioner, District II

George Teal (acclamation)

County Commissioner, District III

Kevin Van Winkle (51%)

John Carson (49%)

House District 39

Brandi Bradley (sole candidate to access the ballot)

House District 44

Anthony Hartsook (acclamation)

Senate District 2

Tim Arvidson (acclamation)

House District 43

Lora Thomas (51%)

Matt Burcham (49%)

House District 45

Bill Jack (acclamation)

23rd Judicial District

Dagny Van der Jagt (acclamation)

4th Congressional District Special Election Candidate

Congressman Ken Buck’s resignation resulted in a vacancy, which federal law requires a special election to fill. A candidate was designated by the 4th Congressional District vacancy committee to run in a June 25 special election to replace Congressman Buck for the remainder of his term. This election will run concurrently the June 25 primary and will appear on the same ballot. The two should not be confused. If the special election candidate wins, he will only serve until the new Congress begins in January 2025. Republicans must vote both for the special election candidate and for a primary candidate to appear on the November ballot. The primary candidate will go on to the November ballot. The Republican special election candidate is not competing in the primary election.

Greg Lopez

4th Congressional District Primary Candidates

Lauren Boebert (achieved 41% at Assembly)

Jerry Sonnenberg (achieved 18% at Assembly; petitions were validated April 12)

Richard Holtorf (achieved 15% at Assembly; petitions were validated April 10)